If you’re frustrated by the amount of empty «XYZ is dead, do this instead» advice littering the internet, we’re with you 100%. The amount of noise in the market makes it virtually impossible to determine the most effective approach for your business.
So we decided to do something about it.
The result? The B2B Effectiveness Engine: the world’s largest database of B2B effectiveness.
The B2B Effectiveness Engine brings together data on what’s working (and what’s not) for over 1,000 B2B marketers spanning technology, professional services and manufacturing. It’s data we use to answer questions such as:
We bring this together in our B2B Marketing Effectiveness Audit to give you the inside track on what you need to do to deliver the results you demand.
The brutal reality today is that the approaches that are the most popular aren’t necessarily the ones that are most effective. (Often quite the opposite.)
So, if we zoom in on measurement in technology marketing for example — of the top 10 most used measures (out of over 30 we ask about) just four are also on the list of the most effective. The second most popular ranks 28th for effectiveness. The third most popular ranks last.
We see similar things in tactical choices. In lead generation for professional services for example, just two tactics are in both the popular and effective top 10 rankings.
And the results differ by sector.
The single most effective tactic used by professional services marketers for lead gen is different to that used in technology marketing which is different to that used in manufacturing.
You can use our B2B Marketing Effectiveness Audit simply to sort out a single underperforming area (demand generation for example) or to take a fresh look across lead generation, demand generation and brand building.
We’ll begin by asking you the same questions we use for the B2B Effectiveness Engine — everything from what your objectives are and whether you have the customer insights you need to how differentiated you are and which tactics you’re currently using. We match your responses to the data for your sector and overlay our experience of working with other businesses like yours.
We then develop a full report that delivers:
Take the free online scorecard. Simply choose your sector to get started:
This takes you through an abbreviated set of questions and delivers a top-line view of how you compare in your sector. You’ll also get a more in-depth PDF report that delves deeper into your answers and offers some advice for how to improve (if you need to).
If you want to eliminate the guesswork from delivering more effective B2B marketing, we should talk.
No death by PowerPoint. No hard sell. It typically takes us around 15 minutes to give you a more in-depth view of the B2B Effectiveness Engine and what it can do for you. After that, we find it’s generally more useful to allow you to ask about the specific areas that matter most to you.
You can contact us at hello@consideredcontent.com or call Sarah Platts direct on 0777 589 4803.
Alternatively, book a call at a time that works for you